Rural Women Energy Security

The National Clean Cooking Scheme is the cooking component of the RUWES. It seeks to address the need for clean cooking technologies. It is also an ongoing initiative, which is implemented in different states and rural communities of the nation according to available resources, in conjunction with our development partners. It seeks to address the need for clean cooking technologies. The need for a shift in our prevalent cooking methods is very evident as deforestation and desertification loom larger daily. This menace is occasioned primarily by tree felling for cooking and heating purposes.  The number of trees felled for use as fuel wood is far in excess of wood for furniture and other industrial uses. Kerosene which is a national alternative to firewood is usually scare, very difficult to source and detrimental to health.

The success of this scheme can also be exemplified through the RUWES retrofitting of four (4) boarding secondary schools in Kaduna State, who heavily depended solely on the use of wood fuel for cooking. This was achieved by the intervention funding from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), through the African Adaptation Programme (ADP). The retrofit involved switching the kitchens from firewood to fully automated LPG use in furtherance of this scheme.

The beneficiary schools are as follows:

  • Federal Government Girls’ College, Zaria.
  • Government Girls’ Secondary School, Kawo.
  • Government Secondary School, Fadan Kaje.
  • Government Secondary School, Kwoi.

We hope to replicate this project in various schools and related institutions in various states across the Federation.

Also, RUWES, through UNDP intervention fund, has provided industrial cookstoves for women clusters for agricultural value addition. These kinds of projects are intended to be replicated in various communities, boarding schools and related institutions in different states across the federation.

Befor and After Photos of Project


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