Rural Women Energy Security

In a bid to scale up access to clean energy for women in the rural Zamfara State, and with support from its development partners, a pilot of the RUWES-LGA Partnership was implemented in Kaura Namoda Local Government of the State on the 6th to 8th September, 2014, the first of its type.

Day 1; Technical and Awareness Forum: Three (3) Women Business Membership Organizations (BMO) from the Local Government were selected and the members of each BMO was given awareness on technical skills of how to run a business, the use of clean energy products and benefits of shifting from the traditional energy practices.

Day 2; Official Launch of the RUWES – Kaura Namoda Partnership: The RUWES Starter Kits were unveiled and each BMO was equipped with a RUWES Starter kit consisting of a motorised tricycle, eco-boxes, clean cookstoves, and solar lighting equipments. The Chairman of Kaura Namoda Local Government pledged 80% subsidy on clean energy products in actualising the project and this impacted a total of 1,990 beneficiaries through the distribution of these clean energy products.

In attendance was Chairman of Kaura Namoda LGA, Chairman of Tsafe LGA, Emir of Kaura Namoda, representatives of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigerian Infrastructure Advisory Facility, and the Global Environment Facility, members of the different BMO’s and indigenes of Kaura Namoda LGA.