Rural Women Energy Security

On June 5, 2024, RUWES (Rural Women Energy Security) proudly celebrated World Environment Day with a grand event that brought together a diverse array of participants and showcased the organization’s commitment to sustainable development and the empowerment of rural women. The event, held at Scharze Park, Abuja, was attended by distinguished guests from the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment, Federal Road Safety Corps, and representatives from various embassies.

Highlighting Sustainable Initiatives

The celebration featured a keynote address by RUWES Coordinator, Dr. Bahijattu Abubakar, who provided a comprehensive overview of the various initiatives that RUWES is driving to promote sustainability and improve the lives of rural women. Dr. Abubakar highlighted the organization’s efforts in bio gas technology, briquette making, and pottery – all skills that have been imparted to women from rural communities across the country.

Empowering Rural Women

The event was graced by the presence of numerous rural women who have been trained by RUWES. These women have learned essential skills that not only provide them with sustainable energy solutions but also enhance their economic independence. The bio-gas technology training has enabled them to produce clean and efficient fuel, briquette making offers an alternative to traditional wood fuel, and pottery skills have been utilized to create practical and Eco-friendly products.

Reaffirming Commitment to Innovation and Sustainability

In her address, Mrs. Jumaima Ella, Head of Secretariat, reiterated RUWES’s dedication to delivering innovative solutions that address both environmental and community needs. Mrs. Ella emphasized the importance of sustainable practices and the critical role that rural women play in achieving environmental goals. She also demonstrated the RUWES RANDA clay pot filtration system, an innovative water purification method designed to provide clean drinking water in rural areas.

Showcasing the RUWES RANDA Clay Pot Filtration System

The highlight of the event was the live demonstration of the RUWES RANDA clay pot filtration system by Mrs. Ella. This system, which utilizes locally sourced materials and traditional pottery techniques, effectively filters and purifies water, making it safe for consumption. The demonstration illustrated how simple, cost-effective solutions can address significant challenges in rural communities, such as access to clean water. The audience was captivated by the practicality and efficiency of the filtration system, which is ideally suited for rural life.

A Collaborative Effort

The presence of officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment, Federal Road Safety Corps, and international embassies underscored the collaborative effort required to drive sustainable development. Their participation reflected a shared commitment to environmental sustainability and the recognition of the critical role that rural women play in this endeavor.

the organization’s dedication to expanding its reach and impact, ensuring that more women receive the training and support they need to contribute to a sustainable future.

As RUWES continues to empower rural women through innovative and practical skills, the ripple effect of these efforts will be seen in improved livelihoods, enhanced environmental protection, and stronger communities.